Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Good day, fellas!
I totally forgot to post this one, but we actually went baking at Katina's earlier this week. It was kinda hectic I guess. I was just off from a friend's house and went to Trattoria for brunch with Sasha, Katina, Michelle, Kathleen, Angie, and Veren. It was later that we went to Kat's house for the baking thing.
The cupcakes actually made their way out of the oven successfully! And, most importantly, they taste amazing. But it wasn't until five minutes ago that I realized how pink and girly-ish our cupcakes actually are. Which is fine with me, I guess. Since we're just gonna eat it anyway :p

Oh, and the best cupcake goes to my “ *heart* Zac” cupcake (everyone's gonna hate me for this -,-) 

2nd in the first row. My beautiful Zac cupcake :p

All pictures are either Sha's, Kat's, or Angie's. I'm too lazy of an ass nowadays to carry around a camera with me everyday. So much for an inspiring photographer (says who?)

Aanyway, school has been rather mediocre this day. When we had finally went through all of the IDP shits, here comes the real bomb: Semester Assignment. We'll get our Oral (Examinations) next week and SA is not far away from there. Guess my life will end soon.

Nevertheless, have a great day! I'm just going to crawl under my blanket and hope that someone will lit a fire to our school tonight. Cheers.

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