Monday, November 7, 2011


Buon giorno!

Dad took me out for some fries and ice cream last Friday. I didn't know exactly why he did that. Perhaps he was bored. But anyway, he told me that we might or might not go to the court in Jakarta to straighten out my name problem since, legally, I don't have a family name. Which means, our proposal would be that of "name change", which means, that not only I could add my family name, I could actually change my entire name into something different.

I had a few things in mind. Perhaps some fancy French or Russian names (Beaubatonx? Sharikaparinova?) or some unpronounceable Greek names. Or changing the spelling of Febie into "Phoebe" or even change my last name into Efron (yeah, that's kinda a little bit too much) But anyway, I told my dad about that but he went completely against it and he gave me a lecture about how meaningful and carefully and thoughtfully arranged my name is which means that I'll still be Febie for the rest of my life. That kinda sucks.

Anyway, the day after that, we had our review classes at school (again) and it hadn't stop raining since the day before so it was all drizzle and muds when we arrived at school. We drove to Bakerzin right after class for lunch. And I spent the rest of the day hanging out in the mall. Unproductive day? Perhaps.

This weekend's a long one so I'm gonna make the most of it.


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