As you can see right now, I have every single right to be obnoxiously happy now that our semester assesment is oveeaaaaaaaaa~~
It was ridiculously unfair that we have to stay during marking day to take our Physics exams, but now looking back at it, I guess it was (a slight bit) worth it.
Me and Sha practically jumped out right after Mr. Rey dismissed us from the Job Attachment meeting and we directly call up Lidya to celebrate.
We've been eating out a lot this past few months and I'm pretty sure that we had went to at least a fourth of the decent restaurants in Medan which is... well.
Although this event deserves a call for celebration now that our torture period is over and Sha's birthday was yesterdayyy! (Happy Birthdayy bby daughter!! :** tomorrow shall be funz~ ;))
Also, to every single store and malls that are trying to celebrate the joyfulness of this season, I get that Christmas is near and the Christmas decorations and ridiculous shop assistants with even more ridiculous santa hats will attract customers, but that doesn't mean you all can play crappy Christmas jingles every single freaking second! It bugs me out soooo much. It annoys me even more that almost every single store plays the similar boring playlist. ARGHH. I had enough of my parents playing Christmas tunes almost 24/7 in the house, I don't need to hear the same thing when I'm outside too!
Oh and as you can see the Christmas decorations are up and still there's nothing to be put on top of the tree. Boo.
Tomorrow shall be fun. And I'm cherishing every single second of the weekend since Job Attachment will start on Monday. Not exactly looking forward to it, but it's a much better option than school.
¡hasta luego peeps
me being a narcissistic Christmas cunt. w/e
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