Wednesday, October 26, 2011


all pictures are from tumblr

I'm so sleepehh~~

It's insane. Probably because I've been doing my homeworks at home these past few days (ha! you heard that right! I'm usually a total slack in better days)

Anyway, as usual, school has been killing me so far, like always. Tons of homeworks, less of CT though. But of course it won't be long since we need to catch up for all of those chapters that we missed because of all the events that the school holds almost every week! (now whose fault is that??!)

No grudge to the school board though - just eternal and boiling hatred for ruining a semester of my life.

Anyway, here's a baby giraffe to cheer you up :3

I've been kinda hooked with 90210 (thanks to Yenyiyani! Brohh!)

I just have never watch any TV series until the point that I practically yell at the TV screen. It was that good! And I'm so mad when Ethan (actor: Dustin hawtie Milligan :3) decided to leave the series forever! Like, really dude? I mean his last scene was of him practically pouring his heart out and kissing Silver; that's not a goodbye at all!

I was practically sulking throughout the beginning of Season 2 because of that. But then things get a little bit better when they decided to change Lacrosse into Surfing as the school's main team sport and then this Ivy girl came - whom I love so much because she is just sooo cool - and then Liam is getting cuter and cuter episode by episode.

And I'm so shipping Liam-Naomi, unless they would continue the Ivy-shy-fangirling-over-Liam relationship which I love so much, but not if they started to officially date because that would be just so awkward.

Anyway, enough 90210 rant. I think I have some Economics homework left unfinished... gah..


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